cross training

The Best Forms of Exercise


The Best Forms of Exercise To Do

And why!

We are all aware that exercise is good for you but what are the best forms of exercise? Our soft tissue therapist Emily, who is also a triathlon coach, has given us her views on the best forms of exercise that you can do and why:

1) Ones that are incorporated into your life organically

Cycling / running / walking to work / run errands, using a stand up desk, swimming, gardening, taking the stairs etc. This is how we moved before humans made life over-convenient and sedentary, so now we have to set aside time and space to exercise. We’re also more likely do stick at the fun stuff so do things you enjoy.

2) Different types = cross training

Spending all your training time doing one sport can make you good at that sport, but you won’t be challenging your brain / your neuro pathways / your muscles doing the same thing for years and you’ll be more prone to injuries. Branch out, go outside of your comfort zone and try a different genre of sport! I’ve competed in wakeboarding, judo, fencing, lacrosse, triathlon and everything in between. Fundamentally cross training gives you a more well rounded type of fitness.

3) Exercises that involves bilateral movements and ambidexterity

The majority of injuries stem from imbalanced strength in muscles and range of movement. As with no 2, we get lazy just using our dominant side, so why not try brushing your teeth with your other arm, breathing bilaterally (even rotation of the torso) in swimming, kick the ball with your other foot?

If you’d like advice on your current exercise formats or switching up your exercise routine, do get in touch with us for a virtual or face to face appointment.

Words by Emily Chong.