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Osteopathy or Physio - Which Should I Choose?

Osteopathy or Physio

- Which Should I Choose?

When you have a pain or injury, would osteopathy or physiotherapy be a better treatment for your own particular needs? This is a common question that our team is asked. And it is difficult to answer, as there are many similarities.

Our Osteopath Kieran recently joined the Physio Remedies team - offering patients a different skill set. So, now is probably a good time to take a closer look at osteo and physio, to help you choose your specialist.

Osteopathy and Physiotherapy - The Origins

Osteopaths and physiotherapists are trusted, registered health professionals who offer treatments that restore function, that help you recover from injury and reduce pain. Ultimately they want to deliver the same end result for the patient - to be able to resume their activities pain-free.

The origins of Osteopathy go back to the 1800s, to an American surgeon Andrew Taylor Still. His belief was that to achieve the best possible health all parts of the body should be treated together in a harmonious way. Physiotherapy is more closely aligned with traditional Western medicine and a ‘medical model’. The earliest recorded link is to Henrik Ling ‘Father of Swedish Gymnastics’ in 1813, who brought in exercises-based treatments.

Treatment Similarities

In terms of training, both physiotherapy and osteopathy are undergraduate degrees (BSc Hons) studied at a university. Both are trained extensively in anatomy, biomechanics, physiology and pathology.

Although the practitioners at Physio Remedies have different training, backgrounds and specialisms, they can all treat, diagnose, prevent and rehabilitate musculoskeletal disorders. They will all look at the whole body picture to find the root cause of the problem, which might be somewhere else to where someone is experiencing pain. The patient is always consulted, educated and fully involved throughout their treatment plan - and every treatment is tailored to the individual.

Both Osteopaths and physiotherapists might use hands-on techniques like manual soft tissue therapy, massage, mobilisation and manipulation alongside exercise-based management.

Osteo has traditionally been associated more with spinal manipulation than physiotherapy has, but in fact both are trained in this. For physio it is a postgraduate training and for osteopaths it is part of undergraduate training. Some people associate spinal manipulation with an audible ‘popping’ of the spine - which is no cause for alarm as it is simply gas being released from fluid around the joint (not a bone ‘cracking’). However, different techniques can be applied to help to ease movement and improve function without creating this sound.

Our Osteo Kieran will also often use massage and other manual soft tissue therapy techniques - but he also has a strong interest in sport and rehabilitation that blends well with the rest of the team at Physio Remedies.

But, Which Is Better For Pain Management?

We have established that there are many similarities between physios and osteopaths. Fundamentally, their aim is to treat people to reduce musculoskeletal pain, improve mobility and improve the quality of their patients’ lives.

There has been research to explore whether one-to-one physiotherapy is as effective as one-to-one osteopathy for patients with chronic low back pain. But this has not provided any evidence that any one single therapy confers therapeutic advantages over the others. What it did show was the success of either treatment for pain relief.

Ask The Experts

Overall, it really comes down to the personal choice of individuals. But at Physio Remedies, you can get the best of both worlds!

Before commencing any treatment at Physio Remedies - whether physio or osteo-led, you will have a consultation, involving your case history and circumstances, a physical examination as well as a discussion about your goals. We go through a detailed treatment plan with you, including any risks and possible side effects. And if we do not believe we can improve your condition, we may refer you to a specialist.

On the Physio Remedies pages we include information about all our experts, including their background, special interests, skills and other treatments they offer. With a wide breadth of expertise under one roof - we can quickly recommend the best expert for you. If you need help with an injury or painful condition, get in touch with Physio Remedies today.